Select House Number for individual stories.

There are many pictures of Ledbury's Homend, the High Street and New Street to be found both on-line, in books and on old postcards but rarely is the Southend either illustrated or mentioned. It is truly the Forgotten Street.
This study explores its history.
There is a dearth of early maps of urban Ledbury and none earlier than the Tithe Map of 1839/41 which is shown below. The dotted line on the right of the map shows the urban boundary at that time.
All the houses in the Southend were built by 1841 and it is difficult to record historical progress. As might be expected, with a few exceptions, construction gradually moved away from the Upper Cross.
Most buildings are narrow, tall, three storey dwellings, exceptions being The Royal Oak, the former George Inn, the former Unicorn Inn, No 23, (The Yews) and Southend House No 31.
No 23, the only property set back from the road, used to sit in its own grounds of some five acres: it was the sale of this house and its grounds in 1827 that enabled much of the development further along the street.
Most of the buildings are listed, the listings giving the century in which they were constructed. (All buildings listed in Ledbury can be found here.)
From these listings I have coloured the plots accordingly showing how construction gradually moved down the street.

Before 1600
1600 - 1700
1700 - 1800
1800 - 1850

Tithe Map

People are more interesting than houses and on each property page I have not only listed the occupants from the censuses but found their stories from genealogical sources and newspapers.
There are literally hundreds of names here, if it is family names you are searching for there is a Search box on the Home page.
If the Ledbury Reporter ever becomes digitally available and searchable much more could be found.
Linked to the Tithe Map is a schedule, known as the Apportionment, listing the owners and tenants and I have used this as a starting point. It is reproduced here with today's numbering added.

Plot	Owner			Occupier				Property	Today's Number

257	John Ford		Edwin Allgood				House			1
258	Ann Murrell		Herself					House and yards		2
259	Philip John Miles	Thomas Oakley and Alfred Allgood	House and yard		3 & 4
260	Philip John Miles	Mary Amy				House and garden	5
261	Philip John Miles	Robert Juckes				House			6
262	Robert Slade		William Loade				House and Garden	7
263	Robert Slade		Henry Denton and Benjamin Rea		Houses and Gardens	8
264	Henry Chadd		Himself, Thomas Clarke, Charles Hill	Houses			9
265	George Hatton		Sarah Webb
				Abigail Turner
				John Tustin				Houses and Yards
				Samuel Standon
				James Taylor
266	Eliza Taylor		James Nott and John Williams		Houses yds		10 & 11
									bldgs and gardens
267	Eliza Taylor		Thomas Prosser				House and Yard
268	School Property		Thomas Underwood and Charlotte Fraser	Houses and Yards	13
	(John Biddulph Trustee)	
269	Rev Joseph Higgins	Isaac Gwinnett				House garden & orchard	15
270	Richard Rider		Himself								16
271	William Russell		Robert Ballard							17 & 18
				Philip Ballard
				Hannah Ballard							19
272	William Russell		Himself and Willm Alford					20 & 21
273	Robert Slade		John Kings							22
274	Hannah Mutlow		James Collins							23
275	Elizabeth Juckes	James Collins and Frances Matthews				24 & 25
276	James Ward		Ann Gurney							26
277	James Ward		Reverend Baker							27
278	James Collins		Simon Merricks							28
279	Southend Charity School	Elizabeth Maddox						29
	John Biddulph Trustee
280	John Hollings		Charles Asprey Beddoe						30
281	John Hollings		Edward Hankins							31
283	William Juckes		John Allen and himself						39 & 40

Note from the Today's Numbering column there is no No 12 or 14 and you will still not find those numbers on the street.
From 1908 Tilley's Almanack lists the house numbers and occupants but never defines numbers between 12 and 17 just listing occupants.
The 1910 Survey goes some way to solving this mystery, although it too does not specify house numbers in this area. No 12 is a small property demolished in the early C20 and Nos 13 and 14 are school property. More details on the No 13 page.

Ledbury Rural

As mentioned the hatched line on the right of the above plan is the extent of Ledbury Borough at that time, ending at No 40.
To check the properties further down the Southend it is necessary to see Ledbury Rural Tithe Map.
The original of this is not readily available and the B/W film copy available in the Hereford Record Office does not show this area very clearly. Fortunately there is a map, copied from the official Tithe Map, of the same date available.
This is shown here, the green line being the Borough Boundary, Mabel's Furlong is between Plots 1423 and 1681.

1841 Southend Tithe Map
From a map dated 1841

As you can see only Gloucester House (Plot 1421) and the Toll House (Plot 1423) are there, with nothing between Plot 283 (see above) and Gloucester House.

This is where the row of terraced houses now are, known at the time as Willow Terrace.
The 1841 Tithe map was surveyed in 1838/9, Willow Terrace is listed in the 1841 census which was taken on June 6th 1841 so it is safe to say it was built between those dates.

From the Tithe Apportionment.

		Owner			Occupier

Plot 1420	William Hatton		Wiliam Hatton

Plot 1421	Robert Slade		John Philips		Gloucester House

Plot 1422	Philip John Miles	Thomas Holbrook

Plot 1423	Philip John Miles	Simon Chadwick		The Toll House

Plot 1424	Philip John Miles	Himself

I am indebted to all members of Old Ledbury Facebook Group for their collective memories without which the task would have been even more difficult.

There are sure to be some mistakes and omissions which I will be only too happy to put right if you email me at the address on the Home page.